DBN 6300 Syslog Messages

DBN 6300 Message Overview

Syslog messages forwarded from the DBN-6300 are formatted to meet the CEF header specification. As of 2.2.14, dbn output will begin phasing out CEF label support in favor of custom fields directly in the syslog message.

Syslog Message Format:

CEF Header Field DBN-6300 Data
Version 0
Device Vendor DB Networks
Device Product ADF
Device Version Current system version
Signature ID Numeric ID
Name String name associated with ID
Severity Value from 0-10, system specified
cs1Label system identifier
cs1 System serial number
system_identifier System serial number
Message Varies by event

Signature ID and Name Values


The default size of the rsyslog is 8K. Logs that exceed this size are truncated automaticaly. If you expect syslog messages greater than 8K, increase the default message size to avoid truncation.

DBN 6300 Syslog Message Detail

Engine Restart Message

The restart message the startup of the DBN-6300. This message indicates that the DBN-6300 has completed its power up sequence after an initial power-up, restart/reset, or fatal error. If this message is detected and no intentional restart was initiated, contact customer service to investigate the cause.

A typical message resembles the following:

<133>2017-03-14T18:57:33.449245-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|2.2.13|3|engine_start|
5|cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00

The message is identified by Signature ID= 3 and name= engine_start.

Event Report Messages

Event report messages are generated as soon as an event is detected. There are two types of event report messages:

  • distinct_event messages pertain to new unique SQL statements that are detected as possible threates. Distinct events have a Signature ID= 0 and name= distinct_event
  • repeat_event messages represent repeated executions of previously detected SQL statements. Repeat events have a Signature ID= 1 and name= repeat_event

Both messages contain the same information, but are distinguished by the labels above appearing in the name field of the CEF prefix.

A typical distinct_event resembles the following. A repeat_event has the same structure, but the cnt field is greater than 1.

<133>2017-03-14T19:27:32.883848-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|2.2.13|0|distinct_event|
5|cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 externalId=2737 cnt=1 rt=1489537652883
start=1336602182934 destinationServiceName=master cn1Label=statement identifier cn1=2736
cat=structural dst= dpt=1305 src= spt=3585 cs2Label=score cs2=0.500
cs3Label=confidence cs3=likely act=exec_dispatch target_sql_id=1099

The first part of the message contains the elements of the standard CEF format. The table below describes the event-specific fields.

Field Description
externalId Unique event id used to look up the event in the DBN Logs
cnt Number of occurances of events with given statement identifer
rt Transmit time of the event
start epoch time of event (milliseconds)
destinationServiceName Name of the database associated with the attack
cn1Label Statement Identifier
cn1 Unique statement id
cat type of event (structural or parametric)
dst Destination IP
dpt Destination Port
src Source IP
spt Source Port
cs2Label Score
cs2 Numerical confidence score (normalized between 0-1)
cs3Label Confidence
cs3 String confidence description (certain, overwhelming, likely, suspicious, possible)
act Type of action involved (Maps to protocol RPC)
target_sql_id Integer value represented on the system by the target SQL ID

System Health Messages

Health syslog messages are sent every 10 minutes (at minute mod 10 boundaries). These messages are distinguished from event messages by the keywords cnt, sys, slowsys, and dbfwsys in the CEF Name field. These messages contain system information useful to DB Networks’ Customer Support personnel.

Example cnt message:

<133>2017-03-14T19:27:30.140860-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|Engineering|ADF|Dev Build|11|cnt|0|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=unknown rt=1489537650140 xtime_T01=03/14/17 18:57:32
xtime_T02=03/14/17 19:27:30 xtime_T03=1 xtime_T04=0:29:58 xtime_T05=05/09/12 17:22:36
xcap_X13=0 xcap_X01=1928135 xcap_X02=0 xcap_X33=0 xcap_X14=0.00% xcap_X03=0 xcap_X12=0
xcap_X26=1291 xcap_X27=13847 xcap_X28=13478 xcap_X04=100.00% xcap_X15=0 xcap_X11=3307
xcap_X21=0.00% xpro_X08=369 xpro_X34=0 xpro_X17=57 xpro_X22=0 xpro_X23=0.00% xpro_X24=0.00%
xpro_X25=0 xpro_X16=312 xpro_X06=0 xpro_X10=0 xpro_X05=0.00% xpro_X09=0.00% xpro_X18=863932
xpro_X19=99.95% xpro_X20=0.06% xpro_X07=0 xeng_X29=1111 xeng_X30=381678 xeng_X31=758
xeng_X32=62 zpro_Z04=0 zpro_Z05=0.00% zpro_Z06=0.00% zpro_Z08=0.00% zpro_Z09=0.00%
zpro_Z07=0.00% zpro_Z01=0 zpro_Z02=0 zpro_Z03=0 zpro_Z10=0.00% zpro_Z11=0 zpro_Z12=0
zpro_Z13=0 zpro_Z14=0 zpro_Z15=0.01% zpro_Z16=349 zpro_Z17=5 zpro_Z18=0 zpro_Z19=0
zpro_Z22=-1960 zpro_Z23=0 zpro_Z24=359 zpro_Z25=4 zpro_Z26=6 zpro_Z27=0 zpro_Z28=0
zpro_Z29=0 zpro_Z30=0 ts=1489537650138

As with event messages, the first part of the messages contains the elements defined in the CEF format. Through most of the information in the various health log messages is useful only to DB Networks’ support, there are a few fields which can be mapped useful external concepts.

Useful Event Message Counters:

  • xcap_X13 : Total number of packets recieved on the capture port. If this number is not increasing as expected for a given installation, the capture port might not be capturing traffic.
  • xcap_X15 : Total number of packets dropped by the engine. If this number increase rapidly, it might indicate that the span/tap port is configured to send a lot of non-sql traffic. This affects system preformance and should be corrected either by changing the span/tap port configuration or adjusting the network filters on the DBN-6300 to filter out unwanted traffic before it reaches the engine.

The following messages are also sent every 10 minutes. These messages can be useful to DB Networks customer support and development personnel if an issue arises.


<133>2017-03-14T19:27:32.144918-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|Engineering|ADF|Dev Build|12|sys|0|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=unknown rt=1489537652144 os_uptime=19946 os_loadavg_0=1
os_loadavg_1=1 os_loadavg_2=0 os_freemem=940785664 os_totalmem=8339775488 sys_user=346203
sys_nice=153 sys_system=69859 sys_idle=7503488 sys_iowait=33658 sys_irq=7909 sys_softirq=7575
sys_steal=0 sys_guest=0 sys_guest_nice=0 vm_pgpgin=1636152 vm_pgpgout=14213713
vm_pswpin=0 vm_pswpout=0 vm_pgfault=126057794 meminfo_MemTotal=8144312 meminfo_MemFree=918736
meminfo_MemAvailable=6537620 meminfo_Buffers=300864 meminfo_Cached=5421820 meminfo_SwapCached=0
meminfo_Active=4977304 meminfo_Inactive=1817392 meminfo_Active(anon)=874512 meminfo_Inactive(anon)=292504
meminfo_Active(file)=4102792 meminfo_Inactive(file)=1524888 meminfo_Unevictable=0
meminfo_Mlocked=0 meminfo_SwapTotal=976892 meminfo_SwapFree=976892 meminfo_Dirty=1788
meminfo_Writeback=0 meminfo_AnonPages=1072004 meminfo_Mapped=481036 meminfo_Shmem=95012
meminfo_Slab=347176 meminfo_SReclaimable=296968 meminfo_SUnreclaim=50208
meminfo_KernelStack=6960 meminfo_PageTables=25816 meminfo_NFS_Unstable=0
meminfo_Bounce=0 meminfo_WritebackTmp=0 meminfo_CommitLimit=5049048 meminfo_Committed_AS=3431092
meminfo_VmallocTotal=34359738367 meminfo_VmallocUsed=0 meminfo_VmallocChunk=0
meminfo_HardwareCorrupted=0 meminfo_AnonHugePages=0 meminfo_ShmemHugePages=0
meminfo_ShmemPmdMapped=0 meminfo_CmaTotal=0 meminfo_CmaFree=0 meminfo_HugePages_Total=0
meminfo_HugePages_Free=0 meminfo_HugePages_Rsvd=0 meminfo_HugePages_Surp=0
meminfo_Hugepagesize=2048 meminfo_DirectMap4k=124736 meminfo_DirectMap2M=6154240
meminfo_DirectMap1G=2097152 memsum_usedGb=1 memsum_freeGb=6 disk_sda_readOps=70343
disk_sda_readSectors=3270248 disk_sda_writeOps=509080 disk_sda_writeSectors=28427427


<133>2017-03-14T19:27:38.146333-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|Engineering|ADF|Dev Build|13|slowsys|0|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=unknown rt=1489537658145 disk_root_total=57521228
disk_root_avail=41946336 disk_boot_total=194235 disk_boot_avail=82772 disk_maint_total=2818080
disk_maint_avail=1583852 vers=0


<133>2017-03-14T19:27:34.173796-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|Engineering|ADF|Dev Build|14|dbfwsys|0|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=unknown rt=1489537654172 dbfw_pid=88958 dbfw_state=0
dbfw_userCpu=9344 dbfw_sysCpu=791 dbfw_numThread=21 dbfw_VmSize=940736512 dbfw_VmRSS=524038144

New Discovery Messages

New discovery syslog messages are sent when the DBN-6300 identifies a new user, service, host, listener, or context linking client and server in dimensions (ipseity).

The fields associated with these various messages are:

Signature ID Name Description
6 mds_new_user
  • user_name =<string = non-empty user name>
  • default_schema =<string = default schema for new user>
7 mds_new_service
  • service_name = <string = service_name>
  • service_name_type =<string =service type (service|SID|global name)>
  • dialect =<string = database dialect (Oracle|MS Sql)>
8 mds_new_host
  • realm =<string = realm name>
  • addr =<string =IPV4 address>
9 mds_new_listener
  • realm = <string = realm name>
  • addr = <string = IPV4 address>
  • port = <integer = TCP/IP port>
10 tally_new_ipseity
  • tally_board = <string = identifier for tally board, currently main>
  • [ user_name = <string = non-empty user name>]
  • [ service_name = <string = non-empty service name]
  • client_realm = <string = client realm name>
  • client_addr = <string = IPV4 addr of client>
  • server_realm = <string = server listener realm name>
  • server_addr = <string = IPV4 addr of server listener>
  • server_port = <int = TCP/IP port of server listener>
  • client_ipseities = <int = pre-existing ipseities with matching client host – zero implies this is the first>
  • server_ipseities = <int = pre-existing ipseities with matching server host>.
  • [ server_service_ipseities = <int = pre-existing ipseities with matching server host and service>]
  • [ server_service_user_ipseities = <int = pre-existing ipseities with matching server host, service, and user>]

Example Messages:


<133>2017-03-14T19:00:22.970916-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|Dev Build|8|mds_new_user|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=none rt=1489536022968 realm=default user_name=XXCC default_schema=XXCC


<133>2017-03-14T19:27:14.737219-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|Dev Build|7|mds_new_service|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 rt=1489537634735 service_name=master
service_name_type=service dialect=Sql Server


<133>2017-03-13T19:52:09.712603-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|Dev Build|8|mds_new_host|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 rt=1489452729711 realm=default addr=


<133>2017-03-14T19:00:22.988379-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|Dev Build|9|mds_new_listener|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 rt=1489536022980 realm=default addr= port=1305


<133>2017-03-14T19:00:28.548773-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks|ADF|Dev Build|10|tally_new_ipseity|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 rt=1489536028542 tally_board=main service_name=master
client_realm=default client_addr= server_realm=default server_addr=
server_port=1163 client_ipseities=0 server_ipseities=1 server_service_ipseities=0

Insider Threat Event Messages

Insider threat messages are sent when the DBN-6300 sees statement executions meeting the criteria of an insider threat rule that has been configured to monitor and syslog. The purpose of these messages is alert customers to policy and stability violations in a monitored network. Insider threat rules are defined in terms of sets or patterns describing data flows. A data flow is the unique combination of a partially or fully qualified table name (for example, “master.sys.databases” specifies database, schema, and relation, but not server) mentioned in a specific network context (i.e., client IP, server IP, server Port, database service, and database user). When a statement is executed, the DBN-6300 analyzes the SQL text semantically, looks up the corresponding data flow (or flows if there are more than one qualified name in the statement), and checks whether that flow meets the criteria of an insider threat rule. If the rule’s action is configured to write to syslog when it fires, the details of the data flow and unique identifiers for several aspects of the flow and rule are conveyed in messages described below.


<133>2017-03-14T19:21:21.109481-05:00 dbfw adf: CEF:0|DB Networks, Inc.|ADF|Dev Build|18|it_threat_event|5|
cs1Label=system identifier cs1=00:00:00:00:00:00 eventId=2174 tix_id=1855 tix_annotation=New general rule 1489537194368
spec_id=1857 spec_type=general spec_annotation=Catchall cat_id=222 category_name=sys.syslog
flow_id=1424 start=1336601400 end=1336601400 rt=1336601400 server= database=master schema=
relation=filerepository mode=read user_id=293 user_name=sa service_name=master
dialect=Sql Server clientIP= serverIP= listener_port=1305

As with the other messages described above, the first part of the message contains the elements of the standard CEF format. The event-specific fields are described in the following table.

Field Description
eventId Unique event ID used to look up the event in the DBN event log.
tix_id Rule system transaction ID. Rule configuration changes are transactional, so each rule belongs to one transaction only.
tix_annotation Rule system transaction annotation.
spec_id Unique identifier for the rule that generated the event.
spec_type Type of rule that generated the event. This can be ‘general’, ‘stable-qname-contexts’, or ‘stable-context-qnames’ for policy, stable qualified name, or stable context rules.
spec_annotation Optional user annotation of the rule.
cat_id Unique identifier for the set of actions taken when the rule associated with this event fires.
category_name Name for the set of actions taken when the rule associated with this event fires. Typically, this is ‘sys.syslog’.
flow_id Unique identifier for the data flow ID that triggered this event.
first_seen_tid First time the triggering data flow was observed by DBN-6300.
last_seen_tid Last time the triggering data flow was observed by DBN-6300.
server Server name, if specified, in the qualified name mentioned by the sql statement that triggered this event.
database Database name, if specified, in the qualified name mentioned by the sql statement that triggered this event.
schema Schema name, if specified, in the qualified name mentioned by the sql statement that triggered this event.
relation Relation name (for example, table or view) in the qualified name mentioned by the sql statement that triggered this event.
mode Mode of access (read or write) of the qualified name mentioned by the sql statement that triggered this event.
user_id Unique identifier for the database user employed to execute that statement that triggered this event.
user_name Database user name used to execute the statement that triggered this event.
service_name Service name against which the statement that triggered this event was executed.
dialect Dialect (for example, Sql Server) of the above service name.
clientIP Client IP address employed to execute the statement that triggered this event.
serverIP Server IP address against which the statement that triggered this event was executed.
listener_port Port of the above server IP.